Celestial Media LLC does not knowingly accept, via its website, email, or otherwise, unsolicited submissions including, without limitation, submissions of blog ideas, scripts, story lines, articles, fan fiction, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, proposals, ideas or concepts. Therefore, any similarity between an unsolicited submission and any elements in any Celestial Media LLC creative work (or affiliated company’s creative work) including, without limitation, a film, TV series, story, title or concept would be purely coincidental. If unsolicited submissions are sent to Celestial Media LLC, these submissions become the property of Celestial Media LLC and may be used, copied, sublicensed, adapted, transmitted, distributed, publicly performed, published, displayed or deleted as Celestial Media LLC sees fit. If unsolicited materials are sent in, the sender agrees that he/she is not entitled to any compensation, credit or notice whatsoever and that by sending an unsolicited submission he/she waives the right to make any claim against Celestial Media LLC, its parents or affiliates relating to unsolicited submissions, including, without limitation, unfair competition, breach of implied contract or breach of confidentiality. ASK US If you have a question that is not answered above or you would like to comment on our programming – we would love to hear from you at